Course Description

In many disciplines, for research that can be published in international journals, it is important to have sufficient funding and collaborations with international researchers. Although extremely competitive, there are multiple funding agencies that are willing to accept applications for expensive lab-based, field-based or collaborative research. Hence, it is important to share a structured and detailed application with funding agencies.

For an early-stage researcher, the biggest challenge is getting sufficient funding for him/her to create his lab and begin exploring his area of research. In this course, we will focus on some important issues related to grant applications:

  1. Understanding funding requirements
  2. Identifying possible funding agencies
  3. Comprehending expectations of grant agencies
  4. How to write grant applications
  5. Overcoming grant rejections and criticism

ex-Research Funding Officer, University of Stirling

Dr. Christopher Ferguson

With >10 years of experience in academia, Dr. Ferguson has assisted several early-stage and established researchers write their grant applications for funding agencies and other organizations. After his PhD in Italian Literature, at University of Edinburgh, he became a part of the project management team at the School of Literature, Languages and Cultures, as well as worked as a Publications Assistant for the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. Previously, he has also worked as a Research Funding Officer at the University of Stirling. At present, Dr. Ferguson continues to work as a translator and offers consultancy and blogging services to universities on the commercialisation of academic research.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Learn to Write a Successful Grant Proposal (Advanced)

    • Chapter 1: Identifying Grant Requirements (Text + Audio)

    • Chapter 2: Identifying Funding Agencies (Text + Audio)

    • Chapter 3: How to Write Grant Applications (Text + Audio)

    • Chapter 4: Overcoming Grant Rejections and Criticism (Text + Audio)

    • Grant Writing Process - Smart Image

    • Learn to Write a Successful Grant Proposal (Advanced) - Quiz


Research Funding and Writing Grant Applications (Advanced)

  • $49.00

    $49.00Enago Learn

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  • $49.00

    $49.00Structure of an Original Article: Title to Conclusion (IMRAD) (Advanced)

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  • $49.00

    $49.00The Pros and Cons of Open Access Publishing (Advanced)

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  • $49.00

    $49.00How to Structure a Review Article (Advanced)

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